IR35 where are we now?
After the government postponed the IR35 changes last year, the off-payroll in the private sector reforms are almost upon us. The focus of decision-making and tax liability moves almost universally away from the contractor and to end clients and recruitment agencies.
April 5th 2021 is the implementation date, with Brexit and COVID it could have slipped your notice but the Government has stated no further delays will be tolerated.
As a reminder:
The end client will determine the IR35 status of the assignment.
Private sector end clients who are ‘small’ won’t be affected by the changes, if they meet 2 of the following criteria:
· Annual turnover is less than 10.2 million.
· Balance sheet less than 5.1 million
· Less than 50 employees
HMRC is running a range of off-payroll webinars from October 2020 to April 2021. They cover both overviews of the reforms, as well as more specific topic areas.
If you need to understand you’re responsibilities under IR35 Rules contact #Accountancy4You for no obligation further advice.
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